Mixed memories

Today I should have been in Dublin, the home of my childhood. I should have woken early and enjoyed a breakfast with family before leaving, our arms laden with flowers and planted pots, to make our way to the graveyard to remember the first love of my life. My Dad and my wonderful Mum who … More Mixed memories

Today we remembered

Today, I remembered Mum, as it was this day last year she left us. I remembered the week before, as she readied us for her leaving and I remembered the previous two years and the toll they took on her. Then, as I thought of her I remembered her fighting spirit. Her never giving up. … More Today we remembered


When we lose someone life changes forever. Grief comes calling and brings with it exhaustion and a sadness no joy can lift. We understand the world is still turning and people are busy with their lives, but it is a lonely place to be. As time passes people move on, and as they are busy … More Remembering…

Another milestone.

How long do we grieve? Is there a time before we are ‘over it,’ or a length of time which is appropriate to show your grief? It’s easy to say, ‘of course not,’ but the reality is most people can only support or understand grief for a short time. Today is graduation day for Daniel’s … More Another milestone.