Healthy lunch boxes!

I admit it,
I send my child to school,
with a lunch that takes me,
approximately three minutes to prepare,small__342024562
and zero imagination!

The bread is white!
The meat is processed,
and neither is cut into a special shape.
The apple is sometimes bruised.
Then sin of sins,
I add a couple of biscuits,
usually covered in chocolate,
and top it all off,
with a bar,
although sometimes that is,
a really “healthy” cereal bar!

Outside forces conspire against me
trying to force me,
to make more effort.
I am not religious,
but my daughter is a Catholic,
along with the majority of this country.
This means each year,
we have Lent.
My daughter takes this seriously,
and makes an effort,
to “give up”something she likes.
Whilst I pretend to do the same!

This is indeed an admirable quality in my daughter,
however it has disastrous consequences for me,
as it completely changes the lunch box.

“Oh mum, I’m off anything chocolate,
and bars!”.
“Aren’t you so good darling” I say,
Whilst thinking,
“Oh for Gods sake,
what the blazes can I give her for lunch?”.

Each morning I stare at that lunch box,
as a writer might view a blank page,
seeking inspiration.
Nothing comes my way.
So these days she gets grapes with the apple,
and another sandwich,
topped off with plain biscuits.

Now that I am blogging,small__446811629
I see many sites,
with recipes, and photographs of dinners.
I see imaginative lunch boxes,
prepared with great care,
demonstrating how much those mothers,
love their children.
I wonder how come I am so lacking in this department.

Last week when word press had a challenge,
to post a photo of food,
my immediate thought was,
what jar would I picture?

Some days this does actually trouble me.
I have even blogged before,
about my lack of talent in the kitchen.
Dinnertime, wheres that jar!
However, I cannot imagine I am alone.
For every one beautiful lunchbox,
and magnificently prepared dinner,
I am convinced,
there are many more,
pathetic lunch boxes,
and questionable dinners.

So to all you out there,
whose talents do not lie in the kitchen,
I say speak up.
Is it possible that my children are right,
when they judge my culinary efforts.
Am I really the worst mother ever?

photo credit: amanky via photopin cc
photo credit: Lodigs via photopin cc

23 thoughts on “Healthy lunch boxes!

  1. I try to balance. I am a good cook but I can be lazy. There is something to be said for making healthy choices for your kids. I just show them what is healthy and then let them put together their healthy lunches. Interesting enough, even though I feel like I fail in this department, my kids eat better than their friends. I always feel better when I eat lunch at the school and see half the kids have left over mcdonald’s.

    1. Ah I’m not that bad so! Your right, so much of it is laziness, and the fact she is quite fussy. But she is healthy and rarely sick so I must be doing something right. Its just those lovely pictures, make food look so much better than anything I produce.

      1. Hmph I am supermom. I hug my kids once a year on their birthdays, then take their presents as I am the one that gave birth. There isn’t any better parenting than that.

  2. Don’t let making healthy lunches for your kids get in the way of your blogging. If a great idea hits you, you must drop everything and write it down before you forget! If that means an apple is sacrificed in the lunch tote (I just made that up because it sounded Irish?) because you forget the fruit to save the idea, then so be it!

  3. My eldest went through a phase where all she would take for lunch was “white bread & butter sandwich” and a bottle of water. No sandwich filling. No treats. I am sure her teacher thought I was some kind of prison warden or something…… 😉

  4. I love cooking then started to hate tge work lunches I dread niw that my husband is enjoying tge workd of culinary we do it together quick and fun..lunch still a challenge! !

    1. I never got the “love cooking” gene. I’d say thats the problem. Most of my friends are super cooks which highlights my inability! My husband can cook but it’s rare. Nice both of you can share it.

  5. Don’t believe those beautiful lunch box pics – they’re sure to have been ‘enhanced’ using some photo-editing software. In much the same way that those pics in recipe books look b*gger all like the product I end up with, no matter how closely I follow the instructions !

    1. Too true. My youngest and I made my friends “fail safe” brownies yesterday for a cake sale in her class today. This is the text I sent her last night. “Hi, brownies out about 3hrs, How long before they rise!!!!”. At least I try.

  6. I can’t cook. My husband does the cooking. I burn water.
    Hey, I’m afraid I found many of those teens (the kids who grew up). I thought of your post and clicked back here. They are speaking for themselves, younger and younger. It’s hard but I want to listen to them. It is good to have some places to click back to.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. It cheers me up to see your picture there.
    Much love-

  7. I have always wished for a cook. I love my children and being a parent but I HATE feeding them…for me it is a relentless, unappreciated, never-ending chore! I am certain I could win a worst meal served contest!

  8. You are way, way far from the worst mother ever! I love how you expressed your honest struggle with packing lunches and cooking in general. You’re def not alone!! Yes, it does take thought, preparation, and a bit of time – things that so many of us busy moms have a shortage of. But if you find yourself wanting just a bit more inspiration and support, my community of avid lunch-packers and very busy moms is available whenever you want to take a peek or have a question 🙂 We love to help. My lunch galleries, Facebook page and Pinterest boards have a ton of ideas, many of which are meals that don’t take a lot of time or talent 🙂 Come check us out – we’d love to have you!

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