Guest writer: Tric Kearney – Chancer

Look who is guest posting over on Sue’s fantastic blog ‘Daily Echo’!
Why not call over and see what nonsense I’m writing and while you are there maybe have a look around as Sue is a wonderful writer and a very generous blogger, always there with a word of encouragement and support.

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

I’m a writer…Really?

“Hi, I’m Tric, (pronounced Trish), I live in Ireland and I’m a writer.”

There’s a first. I don’t think I’ve ever written that before and it’s made me smile, because as I hear myself say ‘I’m a writer,’ a favoured expression of my Dad’s comes to mind,

“You’re a right chancer.”

These were words often used affectionately to describe me growing up and if I’m honest being a chancer is indeed how I’ve lived life to date. Thankfully, my ‘chances’, or risks, have largely paid off and my rather relaxed, devil may care attitude has paid dividends in my life to date.

In the past few years, hoping to learn more about writing, I’ve attended several writing festivals and events. At almost every one of them I’ve heard the guests say, “I’ve been writing stories all my life.” Listening, my confidence took a major hit as I wondered…

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