January, Part Two: New beginnings

Here is the blog I wrote about earlier. I’m so delighted to be part of this monthly project which will allow you all share my writing journey and that of two fellow Inspiration Project attendees along with successful authors, Carmel Harrington, Hazel Gaynor and Catherine Ryan Howard.

The Inspiration Project

feck off

For Part Two of our January updates we are so delighted to introduce our three former Inspiration Project attendees – Casey King, Clare Daly and Tric Kearney – who will share monthly musings on their writing year. We have three words to say to these ladies: GO, GO, GO!

Casey King (@letstalkcrime) – Parking My Dreams

It is close to the date, my self-imposed deadline to call a halt to my writing pursuits in the face of rejections. I wasn’t firing my laptop out of the window – though there were many times this did seem like a logical option – nor was I abandoning all writing ventures, no, I was going to complete the project I was working on then shelve my ambitions for the time being, and, as such, park my dreams. It had the effect of clearing my mind.

I went to events and festivals, not with…

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